Deadpool 2 | Movie Review | Ryan Reynolds

Deadpool 2 | Movie Review | Ryan Reynolds

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Deadpool 2
This Disgusting Superhero flick is Hilarious

The Deadpool movie is one of the highest earning R rated movie. The actor-producer Ryan Reynolds just nailed the character.  The follow up has a lot of hopes and the as a studio as well Fox as upped its game.


Deadpool/Wade Wilson is on a mission to save a mutant kid who is being hunted by a futuristic time traveler soldier cable. Deadpool is forming a team of superheroes that he calls X-force. Does he succeed?

Deadpool 2


    • The humor is intact and the merc with a mouth does not disappoint the fans. He takes a dig on everything out there from Wolverine to DC universe. The rapid pop culture references throughout the movie makes it just too much fun for the fanboys. There’s a homage to the Bond films in the opening credits – How cool is that.
    • The worthy opponent Cable that is played by Josh Brolin (who recently gave us the motion captured performance for the most evil villain of the MCU – Thanos) is great here too.
    • The X force team – Deadpool tries to form a bunch of morally flexible group of mutants for his mission and they eventually turn out to be differently (WATCH the movie to find out). Domino does make a mark with luck as the superpower.
    • The fantastic action set pieces which are a lot more than the first film and are shot beautifully with no mercy at all. You see heads flying, arms amputated and all sorts of visual violence.
    • This one has one of the best end credits scene and you must wait to watch it.


  • Some people might find the violence a little too much.
  • I did lose out on getting all the references right and will have to watch it again to figure out.

All in all Deadpool 2 delivers what is promised by the first film and if you liked it you are in for a treat.

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