Fan is an upcoming film produced by Yash Raj Films and directed by Maneesh Sharma of ‘Band Baja Baraat’ fame. This is Sharma’s most ambitious film and it stars Shahrukh Khan in a double role. SRK plays himself as well as the Fan which is revealed to be named as Gaurav.
Seems like the fan is obsessed with the star as he is standing facing a wall full of the pictures of the star. It seems the film might be a thriller about the obsession of a fan.
The film has hired the famous Hollywood make-up artist Greg Cannom for development of the star’s look. The film is slated to be released in April 2016 and the hype creating campaign has already started.
Fan also stars Waluscha De Sousa, Illeana D’Cruz, Ali Fazal and Shriya Pilgaonkar.