LUPT | Official Trailer | Jaaved Jaaferi | Vijay Raaz | Karan Aanand | Prabhuraj

LUPT | Official Trailer | Jaaved Jaaferi | Vijay Raaz | Karan Aanand | Prabhuraj

Watch the Official #Trailer of #LUPT starring JaavedJaaferi #VijayRaaz, Karan Aanand, Meenakshi Dixit, Niki Walia, Rishina Kandhari and Rishab Chadha.

The film is slated to release on 5th October, 2018. Lupt is a sinister, uncanny, hair‐raising journey into the realms of the unknown.

The film stars Jaaved Jaaferi, Vijay Raaz, Karan Aanand, Meenakshi Dixit, Niki Walia and Rishab Chadha.

Written & Directed by Prabhuraj. Produced by Hanwant Khatri and Lalit Kiri, this supernatural thriller is scheduled to be released on 5th October, 2018

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