The Mentalist – TV Series that will blow your mind

The Mentalist – TV Series that will blow your mind

Scanning through my Sister Laptop and ignoring “Breaking Bad” which was one famous name in English TV Series. I bumped into “The Mentalist”. The first thing that caught my attention was the name , it got me thinking what the series be like will it be like Dexter? I didn’t want to see a bloodshed again but my curiosity got better of me.

The series turns out to be a master piece , It talks about CBI but not Central Bureau of Investigation rather California Bureau of Investigation and how their lives have changed after a “psychic” Patrick Jane joined hands with them. If you don’t like the sound of the “psychic”, wait till you see him. Simon Baker as Patrick Jane has given a performance of his life time and as you go through the first five episodes you will find reasons to love him more.

He is not like our conventional detectives , where Holmes is a sociopath Patrick Jane is just another person with no sense of human behavior. He does have a great sense of observation though like Holmes but care the least if he use it for good or bad. He will confuse you with his methods that are highly effective but not in line with CBI code of conduct.

As any other great detective he has a secret admirer as well , Her name is Teresa Lisbon , Robin Tunney plays the cute CBI cop who will keep reminding you how different Patrick Jane is and what it takes to work with someone like him. The on screen chemistry is exceptional with few Cat and Mouse sequences.

Apart from the reasons mentioned above , what makes it apart is every episode get you and Patrick Jane one step closer to “Red John”. The serial killer whom everyone is after especially the protagonist.

Each episode will end a case but opens a new line of questions for viewers. Mentalist also explain the past the characters have gone through for you to understand them better. The series will get you engrossed in such a way that you will try finishing it in just a day but can’t as 24 Hrs. will seem such a short period of time and would hope if god has created lengthier days.

It needs a great strength for a series with one serial killer to go on for 6 long seasons. All credits to the writer and the cast that played their roles to the best especially Simon Baker. His contribution to the success of the series is unexplainable , you have to see it to know it.

For those of you who have no access to the internet sites to download mentalist , You can look it up at Netflix or also playing daily at 10 PM IST on FX.

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