Movie Review | Fantastic Four 2015

Movie Review | Fantastic Four 2015

Fantastic Four 2015: Nothing Fantastic about it.

Rating: *12

Hits: May be a good watch for Kids

Misses : Just about everything

Trying to reinvent the wheel and failing horribly to do so. Not long ago we saw the brilliant F4s in 2005 and 2007. Leave apart the attempt, the idea of a reboot seemed horrendous. 

This movie was disowned by its own Director just before the release as he claimed that MARVEL STUDIO fiddled with the movie’s screenplay. He was right, the movie is only 1 hours 40 minutes long but seemed never ending the moment it starts. Screenplay is rusty and editing seems to be missing.

The story starts with focus on Richard Reeds as a kid and his possessiveness with science. He is hell bent to create a Teleporter and joined by his friend Ben. 7 years later Reed is spotted at a science fair by a scientist who invites him to his firm to take the experiment to a new level. Reed meets Sue, Victor, Johnny and together they are able to build the teleporter which takes stuff to a parallel world. In an attempt to discover more about this world they teleport themselves and land up gaining abnormal conditions, in other words Super Powers.
The movie misses key elements of a Superhero movie. None of the character is shown experimenting with their newly discovered strengths and the movie jumps an year ahead from the point they gain super powers.
Victor as a villain (Doom) is given so less screen space that he fails to scare or impress as The Evil.
The action sequences are bare minimum and the characters in the entire length of the movie are busy only with computers or nut-bolts.
F4 2015 misses all elements of a MARVEL-lous movie and the studio must already be in deep thoughts of NOT making a sequel.
Overall, if you have watched the previous F4s, this one is avoidable. But can be decent watch for kids as with less action/violence and more about science, they may connect to the stuff more closely.
For first timers of F4 movies, well can give it a shot as they have nothing to compare this one with.

Overall verdict : Give this one a miss.

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