Presenting video song Pehla Pyaar from the Bollywood movie Kabir Singh, The movie is starring Shahid Kapoor and Kiara Advani. The film is directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga. The film is produced by Bhushan Kumar, Murad Khetani, Krishan Kumar & Ashwin Varde.
Song – Pehla Pyaar Singer:- Armaan Malik Music :- Vishal Mishra Lyrics :- Irshad Kamil Music Produced by :- Vishal Mishra , Shubhansh Tiwari Additonal Production:- Shubham Srivastava Music Arranged by :- Vishal Mishra , Shubhansh Tiwari Music Assistant :- Shubhansh Tiwari & Kumar Gaurav Singh Studio Assistant :- Shubham Srivastava , Kamal Kishore Music Recorded at :- VM Studios by Shubhansh Tiwari Vocals & Guitar Recorded at :- VM Studios by Shubhansh Tiwari Mixed & Mastered :- Shadab Rayeen @New Edge Studios Assistant Engg. :- Abhishek Sortey & Dhananjay Khapekar Acoustic Guitar by :- Warren Mendonsa , Shubham Srivastav Bass- Vishal Mishra Vocal Production & Design – Vishal Mishra