The Martian Movie Review

The Martian Movie Review

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The Martian
The Sci-Fi movie of the year


Director Ridley Scott is known as a pioneer in science fiction movie genre along side George Lucas. His earlier films like Alien and Blade Runner established him as an extremely skilled professional who could weave magic on the silver screen with imaginative visuals and strong human drama. He also has proven his mettle in crime, fantasy and romance dramas as well.

Ridley Scott

His last sci-fi movie was Prometheus which received some criticism due to a lot of unanswered questions, despite being a beautifully produced cinematic epic The Martian is based on Andy Weir’s novel of the same name that was published in 2011 The movie is seemingly a cross between Director Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar and Tom Hank’s Cast Away. But unlike the science used in Interstellar is only theoretical the science of The Martian is all practical and the concepts that we have already applied.

Mark Watney a botanist is left on Mars by his crew of Ares III incorrectly presuming him dead. Mark applies science and grows plants for his survival in an artificial set up inside the space station. When the world knows of his survival NASA is challenged to decide between saving this man or let him die. Whether he survives and is rescued or is left for good is the movie all about.

The Martian4

The film has Matt Damon playing the lead role of the Martian and he will remind you of his shocking cameo in Interstellar only he is a lot more charming in this one. He does carry the film on his own as almost half of the film has him doing monologues and you will always root for him. Watch him ridicule Neil Armstrong, calling himself Captain Blonde Beard the first ever space pirate, and a bunch of other things.

However, the most difficult part would be simplifying the science and is not that simple in this movie, in some ways this is a nerd film with a lot of concepts of Mathematics, Physics and Botany of course but even if you don’t get that it wouldn’t matter as you are just praying for the protagonist and it doesn’t matter what jargon everyone is talking about as long as they are working towards the same goal.

The space and Mars set pieces are superbly crafted and will definitely feel like a tour de Mars for you. The 3D is used effectively and the background score is apt.

The rest of the star case including Jessica Chastain, Kate Mara, Sean Bean, Chiwetel Ejiofor, and Sebastian Stan all do support the film competently.

With the not so much applaused Exodus:Gods vs Kings the Martian will definitely mark the return of Ridley Scott to the Big screen success. This film should definitely do well with critics as well as on the Box Office. It is s must watch for Matt Damon fans and all the sci-fi genre lovers as this movie puts the science back in the genre.

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