Wonder Women Movie Review | Is it just another Superhero movie ? | Fillumdekho

Wonder Women Movie Review | Is it just another Superhero movie ? | Fillumdekho

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Wonder Woman
One of the best Superhero movies

What’s Good ?

— Gal Gadot (Wonder Women), she has looked charming. More beautiful than ever, every time she smiles, you would smile with her plus she has done perfect justice to the role.

— Chris Pine : “I am an above Average man”, says Chris Pine in one of the conversations during the movie. We disagree, he is wonderful. Not being in the main lead with all focus on Wonder Woman being the central character, it was difficult to leave a mark. But Chris Pine rose to the occasion and did wonderful.

— Humor : It is surprising for a DC movie to have so much humor. DC superheroes are known to be serious and so has been the case with last 3 movies as well ( Man of Steel, Superman vs Batman, Suicide Squad). But Wonder Women tickles the funny bone more often than nought which is wonderful and enjoyable.

— Action and Direction : After a below average experience (Superman vs Batman), this one stands tall. Reminds of the class of ‘Man of Steel’. Worth every shot especially the sequence where Wonder Women fights against the German army is just ‘WOW’.

What’s Bad:

—  Nothing much to say here. Action may get a bit out of hands at times but this is what should be in a ‘GOD MODE-SUPER HERO’  movie. This one may not have the same fan following as good as Marvel movies but certainly this one is a must watch as it is much better than many movies we have seen recently.

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