Finding Dory is an upcoming 2016 American 3D computer-animated comedy adventure film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. The film is the sequel to the 2003 film Finding Nemo. Andrew Stanton, who directed the original film, will return as writer and director, alongside Angus MacLane as the co-director. The film is scheduled to be released on June 17, 2016. It has also been confirmed that characters from the first film will appear in the sequel, including Dory, Nemo, Marlin and the “Tank Gang.”
Finding Dory will be focused on the amnesiac character Dory, and will explore the idea of her being reunited with her family. The film will take place six months after the events of Finding Nemo and will be set off the coast of California.
Six months after the events of the first film, Dory suddenly recalls her childhood memories. Remembering something about “the jewel of Morro Bay, California”, accompanied by Nemo and Marlin, she sets out to find her family. She arrives at the Monterey Marine Life Institute, where she meets Bailey, a white beluga whale; Destiny, a whale shark; and Hank, an octopus, who becomes her guide.